Fetching Data from a Baserow Table Using Nuxt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Fetching Data from a Baserow Table Using Nuxt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

A simple example to get started. Baserow is an open-source platform for building databases and applications. Nuxt is a framework built on top of VueJs

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through fetching data from a Baserow table using Nuxt. We’ll use Nuxt 3, TypeScript, Axios and the Baserow API to display content from a Baserow database.

First of all, create an account on Baserow and add a simple table.

To get your Baserow API token, go to your dashboard → My settings → Database Tokens → Create new token. After you have created a new token, click on the 3 dots next to it to access it.

Now go to REST API documentation | Baserow and select the database you have just created. Mine is called “Sample”.

Now note down your table ID, we will need it later


Here's the folder structure we will use for this tutorial:

├── /composables
│   └── useFetchData.ts            # For fetching data from Baserow
├── /types
│   └── tableFields.ts              # Type definitions for Baserow data
├── /pages
│   └── index.vue                  # Main page to display the component
├── /public                        # Static files
├── /assets                        # Styles, images, and other assets 
(not needed in this tutorial)
├── /components
    └── TableFields.vue            # Component showing the table data
├── nuxt.config.ts                 # Nuxt configuration file
├── package.json                   # Dependencies and scripts
└── tsconfig.json                  # TypeScript configuration

Step 1: Setting Up Nuxt with TypeScript

If you haven't already, start by creating a Nuxt app with TypeScript.

  1. Open your terminal and run:

     npx nuxi@latest init nuxt-baserow
     cd nuxt-baserow
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:

     npm install
     npm install axios
  3. Now open the project in your code editor:

     code .
  4. Create a .env file in the root folder

     # .env
  5. Go to nuxt.config.ts and add TypeScript support if it's not already enabled:

     // nuxt.config.ts
     export default defineNuxtConfig({
       typescript: {
         strict: true,
       components: true,
       runtimeConfig: {
         public: {
           apiToken: process.env.NUXT_API_TOKEN, // API token from .env
           apiUrl: process.env.NUXT_API_URL,
       devtools: { enabled: true },

In this setup:

  • apiToken: We store the Baserow API token as an environment variable for security.

  • apiUrl: The base URL for the Baserow API.

Step 2: Create Type Definitions

To keep your code clean and maintainable, we'll define the structure of the Baserow data. This allows us to take advantage of TypeScript’s type safety.

In the types folder, create a file tableField.ts:

// types/tableFields.ts
export interface TableRow {
  id: number;
  Name: string;
  Notes: string;

export interface ApiResponse {
  count: number;
  next: string | null;
  previous: string | null;
  results: TableRow[];

These types will help us later when we interact with the API.

Step 3: Create a Composable for Fetching Data

Nuxt’s composables allow us to define reusable functions. We’ll create a composable to fetch data from the Baserow API.

Create the useFetchData.ts composable inside the composables folder. Make sure to use your own table ID retrieved earlier from the Baserow API docs.

  1.  import type { ApiResponse } from "~/types/tableFields";
     export const useFetchData = async () => {
       const config = useRuntimeConfig();
       const token = config.public.apiToken;
       const apiUrl = config.public.apiUrl;
       // Use fetch with the runtime config values
       const { data, error } = await useFetch<ApiResponse>(
         `${apiUrl}/api/database/rows/table/YOUR TABLE ID/?user_field_names=true`,
           headers: {
             Authorization: `Token ${token}`,
       return { data, error };

This composable will handle the API request, returning the data and any errors.

Step 4: Create the component to display the data

In this step, we'll create a Vue component that utilizes our useFetchData composable to fetch and display data from a Baserow table.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { TableRow } from "~/types/tableField";
const { data, error } = await useFetchData();

  <div v-if="error">{{ error.message }}</div>
  <div v-else>
      <li v-for="row in data.results" :key="row.id">
        Name: {{ row.Name }} <br />
        Notes: {{ row.Notes }}

Step 5: Insert component in index.vue

Inside the pages folder, create index.vue:

  1.  <template>
         <h1>Baserow Table Data</h1>
         <TableData />
     import TableData from "~/components/TableFields.vue";
     export default {
       components: {
  2. Restart your development server to ensure the environment variables are picked up.

     npm run dev

Final Thoughts

This tutorial has walked you through the process of fetching data from a Baserow table using Nuxt. We utilized Nuxt composables to handle the API call and displayed the data on a page. By structuring the code properly and using TypeScript, we ensured that our project is maintainable and scalable for future needs.

Any ideas of how you might use Baserow in your own project?